Best Automatic Pill Dispenser

Best Automatic Pill Dispenser

GMS Med-e-lert 28 Day Automatic Pill Dispenser

The Ivation Automatic Pill Dispenser

The Ivation Automatic Pill Dispenser

3.	The Accutab Automatic Pill Dispenser

The Accutab Automatic Pill Dispenser

At some point, you may tend to feel that you need something or someone to manage your medication for you. Well, the best automatic pill dispenser would do. These tools make it easy to manage even the most complex medical regimens.

The common benefit of this is that they enable seniors to track their prescription meds even when they live alone. What then are these automatic dispensers? We need to find out, together, of course.
First, automatic pill dispensers are specially designed to improve
medication adherence to amazing levels, say over 90%. They are, however, affordable despite their effectiveness in their medication management.

You may also need an automatic pill dispenser that offers monitoring services. Well, we got you covered. Some of the automatic pill dispensers will do exactly that. To increase compliance, most of those who subscribe have enrolled in 24-hour monitoring. This has worked dramatically.

We will, therefore, move on to explore the various types of automatic pill dispenser in the market today. They are the five options of best automatic pill dispenser. Let’s take a look.

Best Automatic Pill Dispenser List

GMS Med-e-lert 28 Day Automatic Pill Dispenser

Best Automatic Pill Dispenser

Do you like the hassle in managing your medication? If you don’t like most people wouldn’t, then this dispenser is a good shot for you. It is a high-quality pill dispenser that has proven to be very easy to use. 

What else makes this dispenser a preferable option for many? Well, the benefits do not end with its ease of use and installation. It also comes with a customizable alarm and reminder times that you can use to your convenience.

Various kinds of customers can benefit from this pill dispenser. Say for instance the caregivers, seniors, people suffering from memory problems and even ordinary people with a complex medical regimen, they all have something to benefit from this pill dispenser.

On features, it has a six-day alarm option with a loud sound and blinking light. It is also equipped with a barrel key locking system for improved safety. You don't have to worry about the loss of settings in cases of battery loss. If this happens, customized settings are retained in the memory.
We, therefore, guarantee one thing with the dispenser and it is the fact that the users will be able to take the right medication at the right time.


  • The pill dispenser has an automatic medication alert
  • Has 28-compartment tray
  • Program settings remain saved even after changing batteries


  • The person using the pill dispenser must remember what the alarm signifies
  • Setting up the pill dispenser may be a problem for some customers

The Ivation Automatic Pill Dispenser

The Ivation Automatic Pill Dispenser

For some of us, administering the right medication at the right time has always been a challenge. The Ivation automatic pill dispenser, therefore, comes in handy for you. What's more, it is battery-operated and is designed to have 28 sealed compartments that can hold up to 12 pills.
There is so much to say about the structure of this pill dispenser. The compartment has interchangeable discs for dispensing particular medicine up to four times daily.

Medication overdose is a common phenomenon nowadays. This pill dispenser has therefore developed mechanisms to curb exactly that. For that purpose, it comes with a safety lock and key feature that prevents anyone from accessing the medicine outside the prescribed times.
As if that's not enough, the schedule for dispensing medicine can be set up to four weeks in advance. A 30-minute buzzer and red flashing light come off when it's time to take the medication.

For such reasons, I generally believe that it is a great product for safely administering medications.


  • A motorized 28-slot carousel that rotates and delivers scheduled medicine
  • It has audible and visual alerts sound flash going for up to 30 minutes
  • It has multiple templates to allow or up to 6 alerts per day


  • This pill dispenser is not tamper-proof thus prone to tampering
  • Setting up may be a challenge for some customers

The Accutab Automatic Pill Dispenser

The Accutab Automatic Pill Dispenser
  • With this pill dispenser, you will be able to simplify your medication administration in a big way. This is made so easy by the fact that it has 21 large compartments in all.

  • You will be amazed, just like many previous customers have commented, by the intuitive design that makes it easy to install under a kitchen or medicine cabinet. The usage is easy because when you rotate the slide lever, the medicine will fall straight into your hand.

  • Notably, this pill dispenser can also be used for dispensing multiple doses of several medications in a day. You should by now be amazed by the level of performance of this pill dispenser, you will, however, be surprised to note that this is not all. So much can be said about it.

  • This pill dispenser does not come with an alarm like other kinds of dispensers. To sort this, you can purchase one separately as it will just work as effectively as it would have if they came in together.

  • Some users have however noted that it is hard to use with gel pills as they tend to stick to the sides. Downsides to everything are very normal of course. Others, however, actually most of the other customers find this product of good value.


  • It effectively simplifies the taking of multiple medications
  • It holds lots of medicines or vitamins
  • It is easy to dispense


  • The Accutab Automatic Pill dispenser is not tamper-proof
  • It does not have an alarm

The GMS Med-e-lert 28 Day Automatic Pill Dispenser

Best Automatic Pill Dispenser

This is ideal for people who need to take regular medications and comes with six dosage rings for customizing the dosage settings.

This pill dispenser has 28 slots for medications on its removable pill tray. It has an alarm and a blinking light that you can customize to your convenience to go off at any time when the medication should be taken.

We have set this pill dispenser in such a way that after ten minutes, the display automatically shuts off to save battery life.  It is also battery-operated, completely portable and is the most ideal dispenser a caregiver should have.

We didn’t close our eyes to the possibility of overdosing especially with that fact that we are dealing with medication in this case. To avoid a possible overdose therefore, this pill dispenser comes with a tamper-proof locking system and a custom barrel key.


  • It comes with an automatic medication alert
  • It has a 28-compartment tray
  • Program settings remain saved even after changing batteries


  • Sometimes you may not remember what the alarm signifies
  • Setting up could be a challenge

The e-pill Automatic Locked Pill Dispenser

The e-pill Automatic Locked Pill Dispenser

This is one of the pill dispensers that have been assigned very high marks by the users. We, therefore, need to find out why its reception in the market has been exceptionally warm compared to other pill dispensers.

Top on the list is that it is really easy to set up and use. As is that is not enough, the e-pill automatic locked pill dispenser comes equipped with a blinking light and an alarm system that will not stop until picked. It can be set to sound up to six times a day.

We have also set elaborate mechanisms to ensure that there is no unauthorized access to the dispenser. It is lockable and has two keys included.

It also has the capacity to accommodate up to 20 aspirin sized tablets thanks to its 28 active compartments. It also has added accessories such as AC powered docking station, large compartments and rubber grips for users with dexterity problems.


  • Has six daily alarms thus has the capacity to cater for all medication intake sessions
  • It shows updated patient compliance information thus aiding on close management of the patient’s medication intake
  • It never stops ringing until pill dispenser is picked up


  • Sometimes you may not remember what the alarm signifies
  • It is not tamper-proof

Things to Consider When Buying The Best Automatic Pill Dispenser

Across the market, there is a large variety of automatic pill dispensers that you will come across. Choosing the right one is quite an uphill task especially when you are not well informed. You may wonder what distinguishes one pill dispenser from another.

You need to consider the following factors, therefore, making your purchase.

Best Automatic Pill Dispenser

Structure of the Dispenser

I would advise that whenever you are out to get an automatic pill dispenser, get the one that has maximum compartments. Each compartment should also be capable of holding a whole month's medication, roughly the size of an aspirin.

You should also choose a transparent lid over an opaque one. This is very important in managing the available medication in the compartment.

Remember also that just like in buying a phone, you need a pill dispenser with available replacement parts. This is important in case a lid or tray breaks, where in this case, you can use the extra parts.

You also need to choose a dispenser that with at least 6-8 hours battery backup in case of power loss. A dispenser that does not need assemblage of parts or sorting of pills is necessary. All the task you should do is to pour your pills in a designated container. Quite a time saver.


Easy to Use

Being a machine, my grade six science tells me it should make work easier. There is no point therefore of having a machine that doesn't deliver that. Some machines will even give you more work with their use which diminishes their purpose.

For such reasons, you will need a machine that is easy to use. It should at least operate on senior-friendly software, which provides audible visible and vibration alerts until the unit is turned over or at least for half an hour.

The pill dispenser should also connect to the pharmacy for purposes of obtaining precise dispensing details needed to properly self-program. That is why you will need one that has long-distance connectivity for remote management by caregivers.

To also relieve you of the worries about the dosage of your loved ones when you step out of your room, you can have a Bluetooth integrated pill dispenser. The Bluetooth will connect to any smart device around preventing the patient from missing a dose.


Child Safety

“KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN”. This is a familiar precaution that is put in bold in almost all medicines. The bolding may translate to the fact that this is the most important thing a parent should consider.

Sometimes, you may get really tired and frazzled from caring for a sick child. In these instances, some parents have accidentally double dosed or overdosed their child. Accidents like these happen when the wrong dose for the child's weight is administered.

How can this then be controlled? You simply need to buy a pill dispenser which is child safe. You may also need one with a password or one that its key must only be accessible to both parents or the nurse.

The fear here gets bigger with the fact that children get attracted to colorful pills and may develop this curiosity to taste them. To control this, buy an automatic dispenser with an opaque lid. The pill dispenser should also be kept out of reach of children, say for instance on top of the fridge.


Water-resistant and Tamper-proof

I do not doubt that you are a smart person. You, therefore, need to buy a well-engineered automatic pill dispenser. It should be easy for you to realize that most of the techno health products are developed in the niche market and each has a compelling feature to make it outshine the other.

Go ahead to buy such a dispenser, therefore, that is durable, water-resistant, tamper-proof and break-proof. You know all these would be of harmful effect to you and your machine.



You need to make sure that you buy the automatic pill dispenser that gives you 100% satisfaction. A warranty, in this case, will be of help to you in case your product fails to help you in your medical needs because it allows you to contact the supplier for further help.

The beauty about the warranty is that you do not always need to go back to your pocket to repair various software and hardware elements of your pill dispenser. Your supplier should be able to repair it or even give a replacement in case of extensive damage.

What is Medication Management?

Through these reviews, we have come across these words in more than one circumstances. But what do they mean? This simply describes the ongoing management of an individual’s medication regimen, ensuring that all pills are taken at the right time.

This is very important to ensure that the patient does not suffer any interactions or other types of complications. Various people suffer from chronic illnesses that require a great deal of medication management.

To have a coherent medication management strategy, it is important to ensure that all medications are being used appropriately documenting the appropriate dosages.

Generally, it requires one to create a dynamic list that effectively tracks all the medications the patient is consuming. It is also helpful to write these out on a legal pad or even to store them in a cloud-like in Google Sheets or Google Docs that you can have access to in one dynamic format.

You should also consider having a frank and open discussion with your loved one, in this case, the patient. This is very important because it is one of the best ways of maintaining medication compliance. You know what they say about open talks, they always deliver in doses galore.


As we have seen, automatic pill dispensers come in different types and designs. That’s something we can all agree on. Our journey through the introduction, to the reviews and even to the factors to consider while making a purchase has been a long one.

I can only say one thing, thank you. Your time and company have been valuable. In that respect, I would like to recommend to you The GMS Med-e-lert 28 Day Automatic Pill Dispenser.

 Although other pill dispensers have proven to be good in medication management, this stands tall among all of the others. It will manage your loved one’s medication without hassle, it is easy to use and set up and above all, it has customizable alarm and reminder times.

This pill dispenser has also been termed the best, harnessing all possible recommendations from customers because of its safety measures such as the barrel key locking system. Your settings are also secure even in the event of battery power loss.

What then are you waiting for? Walk into that store and get yourself The GMS Med-e-lert 28 Day Automatic Pill Dispenser. It's a sign of love for your loved ones and it's one of the decisions you would never regret.

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